2013年8月9日 星期五


PUSH is a new kind of chess which moves stones by pushing them. No matter what age you are, you will be entertained with PUSH. 
It is all about power and strategies. The more stones you have, the greater power you get. You can push your opponent stones backward when you have more stones in a line. You will be awarded points when you pushed your opponent’s stone outside the game board. In contrast, your score will be deducted when your stones drop outside the game board. Of course, not only power, strategies are absolutely important! Download PUSH now! Beat your friends now!

PUSH Premium:
Purchase PUSH Premium and you can get the below 3 extra rewards.
1. No advertisement
2. More game board themes
3. More game stones

Game Board Size:
Small, Middle, Large

Number of Players:
2 – 4

AI can be applied to any of the player in the game.
There are three levels of difficulties: Easy, Normal, Hard.

Game Rules:
1. Moves
(i) You can push your stones to move in a direction. A maximum of 3 stones can be moving in each time.
(ii) When you encounter your opponents, you can push your opponents’ stones if you have more moving stones in the moving direction.
(iii) As there are maximum 3 moving stones, you will not be able to push your opponents’ stones if they have at least 3 stones.
(iv) You can also skip your move.

2. Scoring
(i) You will be awarded 1 point when you push your opponent’s stone outside the game board.
(ii) You will be deducted 1 point when your stone is pushed outside the game board.

3. End Game
There are two situations for ending a game:
(i) All players skip their moves in the same round.
(ii) Only one player is left.

4. Winners
The players who get top score win the game.

PUSH is available on Google Play NOW!!

2013年6月8日 星期六


iBank包含多個香港網上銀行 (Ebanking) 、網上證券及其他網上財務平台,讓你一App在手,就可輕鬆處理不同戶口的財務。

滙豐銀行 (HSBC)
恆生銀行 (Hang Seng Bank)
中銀香港 (BOC Hong Kong)
渣打銀行 (Standard Chartered)
東亞銀行 (Bank of East Asia)
永亨銀行 (Wing Hang Bank)
建銀亞洲 (CCB Asia)
工銀亞洲 (ICBC Asia)
交通銀行 (Bank of Communications)
上海商業銀行 (Shanghai Commercial Bank)
南洋商業銀行 (Nanyang Commercial Bank)
集友銀行 (Chi Yu Bank)
花旗銀行 (Citi Bank)
星展銀行(香港) (DBS Hong Kong)
一通證券 (I-Access)
海通國際證券 (Haitong International Securities)
繳費靈 (PPS)

香港郊遊 HK Hiking

遠足是一種有益心身的健康活動,但有沒有試過想去郊遊,卻不知到哪個郊遊路線?那你就要立刻下載 香港郊遊 !!

香港郊遊 為你帶來多條香港遠足路線,由海邊到高山,港九新界以至離島,不同難度的遠足路線都為你一一介紹。

不論你是遠足愛好者,或是行山初哥,都可以於 香港郊遊 裡找到適合你的遠足路線。

香港郊遊 現時包含超過70條遠足路線,包括:麥理浩徑、衛奕信徑、港島徑、鳳凰徑、大棠、下白泥、元荃古道、南生圍、大帽山、城門水塘、針山、梧桐寨、新娘潭、船灣淡水湖、馬屎洲、八仙嶺、鎖羅盆、荔枝窩、清水灣、大嶺峒、破邊洲、馬鞍山、蚺蛇尖、釣魚翁、海下灣、大浪灣、望夫石、獅子山、茅湖山、龍脊、太平山、東平洲、塔門、南丫島、大東山、鳳凰山。。。

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遊戲大全中的遊戲包括各種經典遊戲(跳飛機、麻鷹捉雞仔、估領袖)、二人對決遊戲(天下太平、吊頸)、集體遊戲(Truth or Dare、結尾估)以及電視節目遊戲(大電視、馬拉松、馬拉松)等等,總有一個合適的遊戲。

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