2010年12月6日 星期一

Statistical Distribution

Statistical Distribution provides some common statistical distributions' information and their table, e.g. Normal, Chi-Square, Student's t, etc. You make use this app to check the distribution properties, such as mean, variance and pdf, etc., and some commonly used tables for any hypothesis testing critical values.

There are two parts of distribution information:
1. Distribution Properties, e.g. pdf, cdf, mean, variance, etc.
2. Distribution Tables, you can check the critical value or the probability of some popular distribution e.g. standard normal.

If you are interested in this Android App, you can download it from Android Market. It is FREE of charge.  You can search "Statistical Distribution" in Android Market (market://search?q=pname:com.realxyapp.statdist) or using bar code scanner to scan the following QRcode: